Last year several people suggested I look into the possibility to become a member of InLiquid, a wonderful and energetic organization that “ mobilizes and makes accessible the visual arts culture of the greater Philadelphia region in order to unite communities, establish wider audiences for artists and designers, facilitate the relationship between artists and collectors, and nurture the public’s appreciation of all forms of visual art”. Given my proximity to Philly, I was interested to find out if they would take a hankering to my photographs as they work hard to promote their artists’ work to galleries and other public venues in the region.
They feature a range of artists across a wide range of mediums, including over 50 photographers and I was excited about the opportunity to be a part of it. Several times a year they accept applications, so this past fall I decided to give it a whirl. Submission of your work, your bio, history, etc. … the usual stuff.
I think there are many creative outlets beyond traditional brick and mortar galleries and juried shows that enable your work to be seen … if that is what you want. In many ways operations like InLiquid have become a viable alternative to these venues. And then there is the whole world of self-publishing using services like Blurb, etc., but that’s a subject for another discussion). InLiquid gets over 55,000 looks per month, creating some wonderful opportunities for photographers. I’m sure other sites have similar traffic; so a little research may be worth the effort.
In November I was accepted but I guess I’ve been overtaken by events and completely forgot to mention it. @#%$^&. Check out their website and take a look at my small corner of it at