Last week I had the great opportunity to visit David W. Haas at his home in Allentown Pennsylvania. David happens to be one of the finest black and white analog printers working today. The very large list of great photographers he has printed for includes Harry Callahan, Carl Chairenza, Walker Evans, Lee Friedlander, Aaron Siskind, Michael Smith and George Tice to name a few. He also happens to be tremendous photographer who specializes in 4×5 and 5×7 large format work.
I was fortunate to meet David at the Michael Smith memorial. After the event concluded we spoke for a while in the Michener parking lot. We agreed to get together and I quickly followed up with a phone call to schedule a visit to see his operation.
Allentown is about an hour drive from where I live and I was excited with anticipation of what I would see the entire way there. When I arrived I wasn’t disappointed. David lives in a historic row house with most of the living area dedicated to photography. The first thing that strikes you when you walk in the door are the many exquisite photographs David as printed that hang on the walls. Some are his images but others are the work of clients and past legends like Carlton Watkins. Several of the prints are quite large … up to 20×24. But the subject matter is beautiful and the printing is absolutely world class. Not the large junk content images we are used to seeing.
On to the darkroom … or perhaps I should say darkrooms. All custom designed to meet David’s unique requirements and those of his clients. In the printing room I counted five enlargers, including a Leitz Focomat 1c for 35mm negatives, a couple of Omega Ds, and two 8×10 enlargers … one horizontal to enable production of really large prints. Then there was a separate but adjacent wet workspace for development of film and paper, complete with customized wooden sinks that David built. Finally, there was a spacious area for spotting, mounting and matting finished prints.
Once, I was done with the tour and asking questions that were patiently and happily answered, David took the time to show me many of his wonderful and impeccably printed images. Contrast, tone, sense of light … all perfect! There’s nothing more that can be said.
The time just flew by and before I knew it I had spent three hours with David.
David is truly a great and unselfish guy. Anyone that wishes to improve their craft would be welled served by paying David a visit. He provides tutorials and workshops that can be custom designed to meet each photographer’s individual goals and objectives, and darkroom rental is an option. And if you want the complete experience, you can even bed and breakfast with David for a nominal cost.
David’s website is https://davidwhaas.comor he can be contacted the old fashioned way at 610-433-8320.
I could have spent a lot more time with David, but I know I’ll be back.