Be Thankful, Nurture It, Repair it, Photograph It

I thought I had seen it all in my lifetime, from the assignations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy, to the Viet Nam war and the Kent State shootings, Watergate, 911, and the last decade of police atrocities against black Americans. I traveled the world in service to my country, to places like the Soviet Union and China where democracy did not exist, but nothing prepared me for the shameful acts that played out before our nation on live television on January 6th.  It was the inevitable conclusion of the last five years since Donald Trump declared his candidacy for the White House.  In the end our democracy remained intact as law and order was restored and Congress came back in session to certify the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

It will take a long time to get over this.  But be thankful for the good that America is and what we have. Work to nurture it back to health. Help to repair what needs to be fixed. Photograph it. 

Stay safe and stay vigilant,


It’s Finally 2021!

Well, gosh damn, it’s 2021 and most of us made it across the finish line. I say this because nearly 350,000 Americans lost their loves during 2020 … many unnecessarily. It didn’t have to be this way. It really didn’t. For those of you who lost a loved one or friend, you have my greatest sympathy.

Yes there was a hoax in 2020, but it wasn’t the pandemic or collusion, or all the so-called fake news put out by the mainstream news media. No, it was the cruel joke perpetrated upon those who somehow believed there was a true president and a functioning government during the past four years that cared about this country and the American people. But the good news is in less then three weeks our long national nightmare will be over. And yes it won’t be easy. One of few accomplishments of Individual 1 was to sow discord in our nation in ways that few could have dreamed possible.  We will all have to work at this and better times will be ahead!

Okay, so what about our photography?  2021 is going to be a great year if we decide to really live a fully “photographic life”. The vaccine is coming but we will still need to be careful during the coming months. But dammit it’s a new year so let’s make the most of it!  Commit to doing whatever you need to do to keep your head in the game until you feel comfortable about making the types of photographs you normally do.  And if the virus isn’t a problem for the subject matter you focus on, then get out there and make pictures!

But wait, there’s more!

If you’re not doing anything but reading this and thinking about all the great things you could be doing, get off your chair and do something … anything! How about this? Sit back down, grab a pad or journal if you keep one and write down a plan of everything you want to do this year. That’s right; write it down!  Here are a few ideas. For starters learn some new things from most convenient knowledge source readily available to you … the Internet, and then go through you photographic library for inspiration. What about the library? It’s open on a limited basis. I was just there this week doing research for a project. Same thing for galleries and museum; you can safely visit them.  While they’re also open on a limited basis they also have a lot of great information available online. Buy some books you have wanted for a long time. I just did! Get your camera equipment serviced if necessary.  Now how about giving your darkroom a good vacuuming, and clean it of any unnecessary clutter. It’s not your messy bedroom, it’s a neat and dust free working space. If it’s not being used get rid it. Sell the stuff or donate it to someone that can use it. Are your film speeds and development times correct? Are you caught up making your proof sheets?  Have you even gone through your recent proof sheets to see if there are some keepers worth printing?  What about going through your older proof sheets to see if there are some hidden gems you never printed? Have you thought about printing at all?

Now define some achievable photographic goals. That way there can’t be any excuses. A couple of long-term projects and some shorter ones that can be more easily accomplished might well make sense. And of course be open to any random opportunities you learn about or that just pop up from an impulse you have. Try to keep things within two hours of where you live. No need to travel far. Forget about it another potential for an excuse. Think hard and creatively! There’s plenty of good stuff nearby if you open your eyes and heart to all the possibilities! Write it all down!

There will be plenty of ups and downs in 2021. Sure there will. But we can live truly photographic lives right now. Things will become more normal and we will be making the types of pictures we love … normally. Yes, 2021 is going to be a really good photographic year. I know it will be for me because I want it to, and I am going to do all I can to make it so! I hope it will be the same for you!

Best wishes for a happy, healthy and photographically productive New Year.

Stay safe,



So by any account 2020 has been a miserable year, perhaps the worst year I have witnessed during my lifetime. There are so many reasons, mostly related to the virus and the individual who has occupied the White House for the last four years. Here’s the thing; life could always be so much worse. If you are reading this, no matter how bad things are, you’re probably in much better shape and have more opportunities then most of your fellow human beings.

I have thought about this, and all things considered I think I have much to be thankful for in 2020. The question is did we take advantage of all our opportunities and good fortune? There are so many excuses why we could not have lived a photographic life this past year. My hope is that you didn’t have very many and used very few. In my case, I joined the Da Vinci Art Alliance and participated in a members show. I entered and was a prizewinner in the 27th Annual Phillips Mill Photographic Exhibition here in Bucks County and was selected in the 2020 Photo Review International Competition (Covid prevented me from meeting the great Emmet Gowin who juried the Phillips Mill show … I guess you can’t have everything!).  I founded the Monalog Collective with six members and helped grow it to fourteen members as of this writing. As an intended benefit I made some damn good friends! I also started some new long-term photographic projects and completed a shorter one over three-months documenting the empathy and determination of people where I live during the virus. Doing this project was somewhat outside my normal photographic aperture and it opened up my thinking to new and exciting opportunities for the future. Now that’s exciting!  And making lots of pictures meant that I spent a lot of time making prints. Great!

So in the end, 2020 was a pretty damn good year for me. As bad as things were, living through the pandemic helped me focus on what is truly important … doing what you love, being a good friend, and making sure those you love know it.  All and all, not a bad outcome … photographically … and in life!

I hope your year had more ups than downs, photographically and in life. If not, be positive and open your eyes to all the possibilities that lay before you. And let’s make 2021 a banner year!

Stay safe,


My Photographic Process – Step 12 – Wash and Dry Your Prints on Print Drying Screens

Ok, this is pretty straightforward. I don’t tone my prints until I have a fair amount to do, so after fine prints have been made they go straight into the wash. My method is to first wash the prints in a Zone VI Washing Machine for five minutes. Prints float face up in the large tray-like washer. Fresh water flows over the prints, and then drains out the bottom. The prints are then removed and placed in an upright Zone VI Archival Print Washer for about an hour and a half. This washer and many others like it work on a similar principal. Each print is separated by a thin piece of Plexiglas. Water flows in the top on one end and out the other. The Washing Machine measures about 21x14x7.  I have two uprights, one for 8x10s and another much larger one designed for 16×20 prints and double the amount of 8x10s.  Don’t be misled. Archival washing is a must for long-term preservation of your work, especially if you make fiber prints (I hope you don’t use RC!). Is the double wash overkill? Don’t know, but it works for me.

When the prints have been sufficiently washed they are removed and placed face up on drying screens made of the same material used for outdoor window screens. In fact that is what they look like. Zone VI made mine, but you could easily make them yourself.  I know many people dry their prints face down, but that never made sense to me. What if there was something that got onto the screens and dried onto or contaminated your prints? When I built the base of my wooden sink I designed a space for four screens that can hold up to six 8×10 prints. This design enables me slide the screens in and out so I can easily place prints on the screen and remove them when dry, but also to allows convenient access for the occasional washing of the screen material. I used to squeegee my prints before placing them on the screens but I don’t do that anymore. The prints lay on the screens overnight and air dry. Next morning they’re bone dry and ready to be stored in an archival box marked “To Be Toned”. Not very exciting but essential!

Stay safe,


Be Curious

Daniel Milnor recently posted a great entry on his website entitled Response to a Young Photographer.  I have been a long time fan of his earlier Smogranch website and the latest incarnation, Shifter. Really wonderful stuff! Milnor is a great photographer and writer. There is an unvarnished truth to his photographs and words. He also posts some really terrific and entertaining videos.

In this post Milnor said: “I’ve never once been stuck without ideas or directions to follows. Never once. If I had to provide ONE concept that makes this a reality it would be the concept of   curiosity. If you have it you will never run dry. I love the elderly and feel that how we treat our elders is one of the most grievous ills of our society. The elderly who thrive into those seemingly untouchable years are those who never lose their curiosity.”

Think about this for a moment. Curiosity is essential for both your photography a long and productive life. And now more then ever!  We’re in the midst of the second wave of the virus and even with the vaccine coming our activity will be highly restricted.  So what are you going to do … veg out, mope around, watch way too much Netflix, or try to be productive in some way?

Letting your curiosity run rampant will fuel you with new ideas, if you’re open to it and let it happen! Milnor talks about what a fan he is of going to the library to get juiced up. Okay, so we can’t do that right now, or if we can it’s pretty restricted. How about the Internet?  Beyond the bad stuff the Internet does and is responsible for, it’s the greatest invention ever.  One moment I can learn as much as I like about a great photographer I never heard of before and the next I’m touring the Sistine Chapel.  I walk about six miles a day, first by myself and then with Sparky. No phone, no music. You can’t imagine how many great ideas I get that I want to explore for my photography and life. As soon as I get home I write it all down in my journal so I won’t forget. I may not be able to act on what I have written for a while, but I’ve captured my thoughts and now I can come back to them when the time is right.

Nothing is sacred and everything (within reason) is in bounds.  My curiosity has enabled me to start thinking about what I can learn about what fuels other photographer’s drive to create? What motivates them, what is it they are passionate about, what are the stories behind their work? Then what are others doing during Covid to “keep their heads in the game”?  This curiosity had led me to start working with my Monalog Collective colleagues to see if we can launch some virtual events for photographers to explore these areas. More to come on that, but suffice to say I’m very excited because I am curious and I know there is so much I will learn, which in turn will fuel my photography even more! Damn, I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

Milnor is 100% right about curiosity and meaningful photography. I am quite certain all the great ones had it.  They had a rage to photograph, I’m sure in great part because they were curious about everything around them. Take Gary Winogrand. One of my favorite Winogrand quotes, and perhaps one of my favorite quotes of all time is all about curiosity … “ I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed.”   And here’s another great one from Winogrand. “Sometimes I feel like . . . the world is a place I bought a ticket to. It’s a big show for me, as if it wouldn’t happen if I wasn’t there with a camera.”

So there you have it. Let yourself be curious. Open your heart and your mind’s eye. Be a kid … go ahead!  It will make you happy, because of the work you will create and the life you will live.

Stay safe,


The 2020 Davinci Art Alliance Members Exhibition Opening Reception – Was I Being a Contrarian?

It was fun to attend and participate in the opening reception via Zoom of the 2020 Davinci Art Alliance Members Exhibition. The staff really did a nice job of showing everyone’s work and a number of the exhibitors (including yours truly) spoke about their submissions. All and all a very nice time!  As previously mentioned, DVAA said the “exhibition reflects on light in what has been a dark year.”

When I saw the other work and heard what the artists had to say, it really was pretty much light and full of optimism.  What I presented and what I said about it was far from light and cheery. But it needed to be shown and said; at least I thought so. We have come through one of the darkest times for our country I can remember.  And as much as I am thrilled about the outcome of the election, I know that every day will be a challenge, in terms of governance and fighting the pandemic. Yes, the vaccine is coming, but we will also have close to 500,000 dead by March 1st no matter what. And it could be worse if strict measures are not enacted and adhered to.

So was I wrong about showing Our American Gothic and being a Debbie Downer amidst all the good cheer that was visually presented and spoken about?  I don’t think so. Looking and talking about what we are living through will help us see the light at the end of the tunnel and get to the other side more quickly and less painfully.

Believe it or not, I’m a glass half full kind of guy. Really!  I am hopeful we will get passed what 2020 brought us, but it won’t be easy and it won’t be fast. So while I am usually an optimist, I also consider myself a realist.  I will continue to look for the good … look for the light. I did that when I made my Covid-19 series of photographs earlier this year, but I know that if we don’t work together, make the sacrifices that need to be made, and hold all of our elected officials accountable, then my friends we all will be SOL.

I’ll make the pictures I see that move me and make them in a safe way.  For now that means very few candids, just as it has been since about March, but that’s all right. For me there has been a silver lining here … photographically that is. I’m thinking much more expansively than I was pre-Covid in terms of the types of pictures I am looking for. And that’s a good thing. So while Our American Gothic was dark and what I said that night was too, I am hopefully optimistic for brighter times ahead. Photographically speaking, I am seeing more of the light, even if my photographs may not always depict it.

Stay safe,


My Work to be Exhibited at the 2020 Davinci Art Alliance Members Exhibition, Philadelphia, December 2nd – December 20th, 2020

I am very pleased to announce that my photograph Our American Gothic will be exhibited at the 2020 Davinci Art Alliance Members Exhibition, held by appointment only at the DVAA gallery in Philadelphia and virtually on line at

There will be a virtual Public Opening Reception on Wednesday, December 2, 7-8pm you can attend at

Here is what DVAA says about the show. “The exhibition reflects on light in what has been a dark year. From the looming threat of COVID-19, to nationwide protests against racial injustice, to the election, this year has taken an enormous toll on all of us. And even though isolation and uncertainty has become the new normal, a hope for a better tomorrow remains. There is still light through all of this darkness, the trick is getting there (together).”

I was happy to have the opportunity to show one of the photographs I recently made (sorry, it’s dark) that spoke to how I felt and still feel about the state of our country during these difficult times. I’m hoping for brighter times ahead and I see glimmers of “light” at the end of the tunnel, but there is much work to do, and nothing can ever be taken for granted again.

I hope to see you at the opening!

Stay safe,


Thanksgiving, 2020

I had just delivered a photograph to the Da Vinci Artist Association at my appointment time on Saturday (the upcoming show will be in a couple of weeks, and will be conducted in a limited and socially distanced manner). During my drive home from South Philly I started thinking about the Thanksgiving holiday. It wasn’t going to be even remotely the same, but all things considered I am very thankful and grateful for all I have and am able to do.  Despite everything that has happened there have been some very nice things for me this year.

My work has been exhibited at several shows, both physically and virtually. With the help of some great photographers, I got the Monalog Collective off the ground and growing. While we had to cancel our first program, Monalog has now expand to 14 members and I have made 14 new friends! If you haven’t checked Monalog out yet, take a moment and visit us at

Despite the virus I’ve made a lot of photographs, many outside my norm. I’ve expanded my photographic vision and horizons, and that’s good thing.

We welcomed a new granddaughter into the family … virtually. Saw my family as best I could, and finally met the little one in time to celebrate her one-month birthday. And while my wife and I will not have our annual blowout Thanksgiving with all the kids, grandchildren and in-laws, we will get together Thanksgiving day on Zoom to celebrate all we have to be thankful for and to commit to celebrating the 2020 holiday as soon as it’s safe to do so in 2021. For now the turkeys (we bought two) are in the freezer and I look forward to my favorite holiday with the family and my wife’s legendary cooking twice in 2021! Not a bad deal at all!

We got through the election after all. Our democracy is still intact and a true president will be inaugurated in January.

Yes, I really do have a lot to be thankful for. I’m alive and not sick.  And I have so much to experience and accomplish!  I’ll bet you do too.

So as we enter a second wave that’s going to be worse than what we’ve just been through, please do the right thing. Social distance, wear a mask, get the vaccine when it’s available … and live to photograph another day.

Stay safe,
