

A have another passion … listening to music … on vinyl records. That’s right. And I am a tube lover too! Probably not surprising that I don’t own a CD player either. Hum … black and white film photography, vinyl and tubes. Perhaps there’s a pattern here! Well in any case I was driving in my car on a recent Sunday. I had decided to blow much of the day by going to a camera show located an hour and a half away at a small fire hall in Jersey, not far from NYC, and then completely in the other direction to a used record store near Camden, just over the Ben Franklin bridge from Philly. Makes sense … right?

Both pretty much ended up being duds and I used up well over a half a tank of gas, not to mention all the tolls I paid.   But it turned out that there was a silver lining in of this running around. Flicking through the channels on the car radio I happened on an NPR broadcast that focused on subjects covered by the always interesting and sometimes-profound TED Talks. The subject of this particular show was Success. The host was interviewing several very successful guests and played portions of TED Talks they had given related to the topic.

So things worked out well. I was able to listen to most of the show in between stops and I think I was able to grab some very useful snippets that are relevant to photography and life in general. Here are a few that I foolishly jotted down on my note pad while driving (something I don’t recommend others do!)

First, it is essential to discover what you are passionate about, find out what you need to do in order to make that happen and never settle for something less.

Second, grit is the willingness to complete long-term goals. It requires perseverance, the determination not to give up despite setbacks, and the drive to finish what you begin.

Finally, one of the guests brought up the matter of envy, as something many have when confronted by others (like you) having more talent, vision and drive then they possess. In other words, they are jealous and view you as a threat to their own situation or standing, or just don’t want to be of any help. Sound familiar? I never had thought about this particular point, but once I heard it and let it sink in for awhile, it dawned on me how often it had manifested itself with others I had come in contact with in my professional and photographic lives.

So what does this have to do with success, our endeavors to be creative photographers and our desire to express ourselves in meaningful ways? Everything!

First of all, we need to assume that there are many who we will come in contact with that unwilling to find the time of day to give helpful advise and support or just will not do it because in some strange way you are jeopardizing their position or standing. They don’t want you to be successful or they just don’t want to help you in any meaningful way. The result is the same. But, don’t worry; most of those folks are useless anyway. Keep working. Find the unselfish few out there that truly want to share their knowledge and pay it forward with the advice they once were given. Great people are not selfish or threatened by others. And they are willing take a moment when asked. Go out of your way to find them and nurture those relationships. Having them will support your success.

But in the end, to be successful in our photographic lives – by those measures that really matter us – we need to discover what we are passionate about and not let roadblocks thrown up by others, or those we create ourselves … like failing to learning our craft, settling for less, or just not finding the time to go out and make photographs … get in the way of achieving our goals.

George Tice, Urban Landscapes

One of my favorite photographs, Petit’s Mobil Station, Cherry Hill appears on jacket as well as page 67 of Urban Landscapes. It’s something you have seen a million times in your life … a gas station almost empty of customers at night with a few lights on and lone car parked outside. Nothing special … right? Actually it is pretty special as are many of the other photographs contained in this great monograph by George Tice. The quiet peacefulness and grandeur of the scene is really something to see, made ever more exciting by the inclusion of a majestic water tower lurking in the background, eerily visible in the darkness of the night. Every detail is clearly discernable because Tice used an 8×10 view camera to capture the scene. Not the easiest camera to make a nighttime image but he uses it to stunning effect!

All of the photographs were made in the Seventies, Eighties and Nineties in his home state of New Jersey with that same camera. A large and difficult to use tool for the job, but for Tice the absolute right choice!

Other special images include White Castle, Route #1, Rahway; Strand Theater, Keyport; and Oak Tree, Holmdel. Interestingly, all three were made at night, but there are many other wonderful images to be found here as well.

I have read some comments on this book, describing the contents as mundane and bland. I disagree. For those of us growing up and coming of age during this time, urban landscapes such as those found here may have held little interest and perhaps were something to escape from. What we didn’t notice … and those who think of these images as mundane do not appreciate … is the quiet beauty, and even majesty of the everyday urban structures and artifacts captured in exquisite light by Tice.

Maybe not everyone gets it and perhaps you won’t right away. Maybe it will take a few times studying it closely. It’s an examination of what may be a rapidly bygone time and place in America. Images we have passed by in life without a second thought cannot be taken for granted here, as they are laid before us in this most beautiful book.

Elegant Machines

I don’t normally read Popular Photography, but I was given a copy of the September 2016 issue, so I took a look. In it was a nice article entitled “Elegant Machines” by Theano Nikitas that discussed the resurgence of interest in rangefinder and SLR cameras, fueled in part by the younger generation. The story featured Bellamy Hunt, aka Japan Camera Hunter, who has a very nice business in Japan sourcing great camera equipment for buyers worldwide. I have communicated with Bellamy several times and can attest to his knowledge and the fact that he’s a good guy. Check Japan Camera Hunter out at

It’s understandable that more people are going back to these wonderful cameras and film for the same reasons they are buying turntables and vinyl LPs. Both film and vinyl provide a much different, and to many, a more pleasurable experience vs. digital image making and CD/MP3 listening. It’s not about convenience, but rather the entire user experience and the end result – the image and the sound!

In the article Bellamy says “vintage cameras have stunning designs”. They “have a certain magic that makes you look inside yourself when you shoot. You feel connected to the creation of something permanent and tangible.”

I agree!

Nikitas goes on to say “whether you perceive the idea of unplugging as positive or negative, shooting with analog cameras truly does force you to slow down.

Again, I agree!

The article features some wonderful cameras – Leica M6, Mamiya 6 and 7, Nikon F3, Nikon FM2, Olympus OM-1, Leica Barnack cameras, Olympus 35SP, Pentax Spotmatic, Nikon S/S2/S3, and the Yashica 124G TLR – where to buy them, and pointers concerning what to look for when shopping for one of these beauties.

So it was a pleasant surprise to stumble across this entertaining and useful little piece. If you are thinking about giving film a try and are still on the fence, spend a few bucks and pick up one the low cost gems featured in this article … or go a little crazy and get a Nikon … or … maybe … a Leica! Either way, I think you will be glad you did!

Squall Light

Along time ago I read a great newsletter by Fred Picker in which he described a particular and rare type of light that can occur around strong weather events and mostly during the summer. He called it squall light and described it like this:

“A black bright presence that arrives in a rush to announce heavy rain or high wind or a cold front coming through. Squall light, though rare, seems more frequent on summer evenings but it can appear, where I live, at any time of the year. Its effect is startling. Dark objects seem bright, somehow concentrated, as though charged with energy. Pale objects radiate light. The effect is unearthly, unsettling, exciting, surreal.”

To me it is perhaps the most eerie and beautiful light imaginable and I have been lucky to see it only a few times in my life. One of those times was a couple of weeks ago.

My wife was recovering from an absolutely awful virus that is going around and asked me if I could get her out of the house for a few minutes in the car. We would take a two-minute drive to the local coffee shop; I would run in to get her something, then we would quickly drive home.

I went in, got the coffee and came out to the small parking lot. And then I noticed it.

Squall light!

OMG it was beautiful. Of course I didn’t have a camera for this five minute round trip #$%^&#@$%^& but I did witness something I will always remember and cherish. Not only was there the squall light itself; it was accompanied by a beautiful rainbow!!!!

Most of us don’t get the opportunity to witness such a strange and beautiful event in our lives and unfortunately most are completely oblivious to such an occurrence when it happens. This was proven to me when I looked around at those walking on the street. None were aware or cared about the miraculous lightshow that was taking place around them!

I guess I really shouldn’t be too surprised. Because I photograph, love art, listen to music and read a lot, perhaps I am more in tune to such things. As fellow photographers maybe you are too. And this get’s back to my thoughts concerning the beauty and wonderful things that can be found around us as we go through our everyday lives … that we can capture or at least experience to astonish and push us forward in the craft we love … or if nothing else, just make us a little bit happier.

The squall light and rainbow was only visible for a few minutes, but I will remember it for the rest of my life.

My July 1-31st Exhibit at the Red Filter Gallery

I am very pleased to announce that I have a one-person exhibit showing during July at the Red Filter Galley entitled Jerusalem and Aida: Close Yet Far Apart.

For many years the Gallery resided in a physical space in Lambertville, NJ. Now it resides “virtually” on the Internet. What is exciting to me is the Gallery’s “focus on monochrome images, Black and White, allowing new examination of abstraction, tonalities, textures and light.” I am therefore very proud and excited to also be included as a Gallery artist.

These photographs mean a lot to me and I often think about making them and the circumstances under which they were made. Jerusalem and the Aida Refugee Camp though close in proximity, present a stark contrast.  During several visits to Israel and the West Bank I endeavored to capture some of the differences in these two places, as well as the ironies that are seen in daily life.

I hope you can take a moment to check out my exhibit at and while you are there take a look at the work of the other fine photographers featured by the Gallery.

July Photo Chat Get-Together

Time to get together again to discuss our photographs with the ever-expanding group!

Yes, how about joining us and getting together to chat about our photographs and the stories behind them. What was your intent in making the photograph, what were you trying to say, was it a success? If you made your print, were there any particular challenges involved?

This is not a discussion focused on gear — the idea is to share insights, get constructive feedback, learn a few things, relax and make new friends!

Well, if this sounds interesting and fun, how about joining me in beautiful downtown Doylestown, PA, in the heart of scenic Bucks County, and we will get together over a cup of coffee.

Photographers of all levels are welcome.

Bring only a couple of prints to discuss. Obviously the prints should be Black and White and should be film based!

The get together will be on Sunday, July 9th, 10:00-11:30am at the Zen Den coffee shop, located on ‪20 Donaldson Street, Doylestown, PA 18901.

Email or call me at 215-348-9171 if you are interested. First come first serve!

I look forward to meeting you!

My Trip to the Second Sunday Camera Show in Jersey

Finally got around to watching the movie Interstellar that I had DVR’d about 2 years ago. Not sure what that says about me. In any case it got me thinking about my experience the next day going to what admittedly is a tiny regional camera show – The Second Sunday Camera Show, at the fire station in Wayne, New Jersey.

Like the movie’s human colony near Saturn, I thought of the show as an outpost of analog gear activity in the fight against the digital onslaught. Yes, there was a certain amount of digital stuff and a range of odds and ends such as filters, camera bags, straps and beat up accessories available, but interestingly enough, most of what I saw was old film cameras and associated lens … and yes … film!

I’ve been going to these things for most of my life and they are usually a lot fun if not sometimes frustrating. Sort of like going into a candy store. Plus it gives me an opportunity to get rid of my odds and ends that have been sitting around and gathering dust.

While much of what I saw had been around the block so to say, there were many fine camera bodies and lenses by the top manufacturers available in nice condition and at good prices. Everything from miniature formats to large format view cameras.

This was not a big show and I have been to many larger ones, but it was enjoyable nevertheless. Over the years I have found nice deals on camera gear, darkroom equipment and all sorts of hard to find items I’ve been looking by rummaging through the ubiquitous large cardboard spare parts boxes that are always a staple of these events. Nothing this time, but I did sell an unwanted item that paid for my $6 admission!

So why not find out if there are any camera shows near where you live. They’re a lot of fun and you can score some really neat stuff … or just unload some “obsolete” digitalia.

Takeaways from the 25th Annual Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition

Yes another Bucks County show to talk about … but for a good reason. At least I think so. Awhile back I wrote an entry here entitled Does Size Matter? In it I stated that very large prints seem to be trendy now and that almost every time I see them in exhibits I am overwhelmed by their size and underwhelmed by their content. Often what are displayed are large images of boring subject matter.

I went on to mention two shows I had seen — Edward Weston at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Paul Strand at the Michener Art Museum. None of the Weston prints were larger than 8×10 because he only contact printed his large format negatives. With Strand, most were no larger than 8×10, with many being much smaller. I felt these prints forced you to stop, get close and look at them. Finally I said that I think a small print really has to stand on its content, but just as importantly it draws in the viewer and compels him or her to really concentrate and think about what is going on in the image.

Well guess what, I haven’t changed my mind about size. If anything I feel more strongly about it! So what does this have to do with the prestigious Phillips Mill show I saw on Saturday? A lot! The vast majority of 124 photographs selected were at least 11X14 and many were much larger. Most were technically perfect but not emotionally barren. And of course the winners and others selected for special note were very large … at least 16×20 and 20×24 to my eyes.

It just doesn’t do it for me. So I will continue to make my prints no larger than 8×10 because I really do think that a small print has to stand on its content.

So I hope you will consider moderation when printing your images. If you do, I am sure you will only print those that truly have something to say, rather than those you think might get attention.