
The End of Another Summer

The weeks leading up to summer are always very exciting. Sort of like the football offseason.  During the offseason anything is possible for your team. The draft is coming up, there’s free agency and of course it’s a level playing field because every team has the same record … 0-0.  Yes, everything is possible, even the Super Bowl! Last season for the fans here in Bucks County and of course across the Philadelphia area that’s what happened! The run-up to summer always has that same feel for me. It’s very exciting. Lots of plans, and lots of to dos.

I always think I’m going to get a lot of photographic things done during summer and I always want to. Maybe it’s because most of people I deal with on the work side of things decide to go on vacation. Because I work for myself I have some flexibility and now more time on my hands. More time; less cash. It’s a trade-off. You take the good with the bad.

Sometimes it’s easier to let things slide then to get work done.  This summer the problem was compounded by the recent addition of our puppy Sparky. Note to self: don’t get an eight-week-old puppy during the winter months. Sparky is a Cockapoo, and while small in size, both his personality and energy level is large!

The above having been said I do feel like I accomplished many of my objectives and there still is Labor Day weekend to go.  I saw some great shows, heard a wonderful curator talk, and equally wonderful talks given by Michael Smith and Paula Chamlee. Even got a chance to meet Paula for coffee! Entered some of my favorite photographs in a very prestigious international photography competition and most importantly made a good amount of photographs at some interesting locations and events nearby that were on my list. Philadelphia’s Chinatown and Italian Market, Seaside Heights on the New Jersey Shore, the 70thAnnual Middletown Grange Fair here in Bucks County, and a number of other local targets of opportunity such the annual Doylestown At Dusk vintage auto show.

Of course this has led to a pile of Plus-X and Tri-X film canisters on my enlarging table; their contents waiting patiently to be developed and proofed! Ok, I’m human. Actually, I don’t like developing one roll at a time, or even a few. Rather, I wait to I have maybe ten rolls or more. Then I knock them out en mass with my larger Jobo tanks. Same thing with proof sheets. Remember these are purely mechanical tasks. The creative work begins when I examine the proof sheets.  Just like the offseason, everything is possible … they all looked good in my mind’s eye, so here’s hoping there are some keepers!

All in all not a bad summer, despite some distractions … yes that’s includes you Sparky!

I hope you have had a great photographic summer and wish you the best for keeping its momentum going for the rest of the year!

Takeaways from the Michael Smith and Paula Chamlee Lecture at the Michener Art Museum

This past week I was lucky enough to attend a joint lecture and slide show of photographs given by Michael Smith and Paula Chamlee at the Michener Art Museum (also on exhibit and discussed were Paula’s beautiful paintings).  I know Michael and Paula and saw an exhibit of their work that was part of the currently running View Finders: Four Photographic Voicesshow I recently wrote about.  Even with my familiarity it was one of the most informative talks I’ve had the opportunity to hear. They presented a great distillation of their approach to photography and what is important to them for making great images.

If you are unfamiliar with their work you need to check out their website ( or their many beautifully printed books. Of course it’s best to see the real prints. Their photographs are beautiful and the print quality is incredible! Both use large format cameras and primarily contact print from 8×10 (Paula) and 8×20 (Michael) black and white negatives using their own Lodima silver chloride contact paper (they have done some color work, scanning the negatives and printing them digitally).

I thought it would be instructive to share some of the highlights of their presentations. Let’s start with Michael.

  • An important point of photography is to have an experience; it’s much more than just clicking the shutter. Their way of working is quite the opposite of the digital capture routine.
  • Neither he nor Paula worries about what time of the day they make photographs. Photographs are made whenever they present themselves.
  • Always be aware of the spaces in the photograph using the edges and the corners to define the boundaries.
  • Everything in the photograph is important and must be in the right place.
  • When photographing people with the view camera everything and everyone has to be in the right place at the right time; you have to wait for the right moment when everything relates to one and other as you only have one shot.
  • When photographing he has no preconceptions and never has any idea of what he will photograph.

Now Paula.

  • You don’t have to travel to exotic places to photograph; you merely need to look in your own backyard.
  • Seeing the upside down image when looking through the ground glass of the view camera was her most important photographic discovery.
  • She searches for spatial ambiguity and focuses on the rhythms of spaces and lines.
  • The only thing you need to know as is photographer is where place the edges when framing the photograph; then how forms fit into space and the tension of how they fit into a rectangle.
  • She doesn’t worry about what things are, but rather how things will look.
  • You never know where your next influence will come from.
  • Whenever she and Michael travel they search out and visit local museums to absorb visual information.

Think about what Michael and Paula said and make your own wonderful photographs!

Saving Your Money For Other Things

I know that websites, blogs and YouTube videos that focus on gear are much more popular than those which discuss thinking about and making photographs. Like the one you looking at now. I get it. I don’t really want to discuss gear that much. A little while back I talked about having recently purchased two older lenses to use for some very specific purposes. Now I want to follow up by saying that you are wasting your money in most cases if you buy new gear … or expensive used gear, e.g., certain Leica.

Stop laughing for a moment while you ask what’s the point; you think very little film gear is being produced.  Wrong … new gear is still being made. Especially lenses, but some cameras too.

My point is never pay full price when people are always willing to sell what they have so they can buy something “better” or “newer”, which they are convinced will make them better photographers. Or kids just selling off Mom or Dad’s dusty old camera and lens in its leather case on eBay or Craigslist.  That little outfit could become your new best friend!

The fact is there simply is so much great used gear … much of it wonderful film bodies from the golden age of camera building … in virtually pristine condition that you are a fool to pay top dollar for something you don’t really need.  The only reason I can think of buying new is to have a warranty, and in the case of Leica, if you feel you need to have the latest uber expensive bodies and newest lenses. Will they make you a better photographer by owning them instead of an M2/M3/M4, or M6 if you need a built in meter, and a more vintage Summicrons? I don’t think so.  Will the image quality be dramatically improved? The latest designs and coatings may give you some added resolution wide open and slightly improved edge to edge sharpness, especially if you feel compelled to make larger prints. But think about all those defining images made by Cartier Bresson, Frank, Smith, et al. and look at what they used.

Yes, I know I own some lenses that have now become some outrageously expensive. Fact is they were all purchased used and were screamer deals. Otherwise they never would have been bought. But are they really better than the older and less expensive versions, or even other brands for what matters to me?  I’m not really sure.

In all my years of camera/lens ownership I’ve never had a major repair.  That doesn’t mean I haven’t had a CLA done on used Leicas I’ve purchased.  All of them have had it done by either Don Goldberg or Sherry Krauter, which means they will last longer than I will!

So here is the real opportunity. Think of this as a chance to acquire fantastic vintage mechanical gear, often built by hand in ways that perhaps can only be matched in construction and feel by the current Leica MA or MP. In 35mm, think older Leica in less than mint condition. I think non-metered Nikon F or F2s, or Pentax SVs are spectacular. Beautifully unadorned viewfinders to compose your image without the distraction of needles, or worse yet, blinking lights! And the lenses that were made to go with these wonderful bodies are no slouches either and can be picked up for a song. Think of the somewhat rare but still relatively inexpensive Pentax 50mm f/1.4 eight-element screw mount job. Depending on condition, they go for $150-$250.  Too much?  Then try the seven-element version that followed its production. They can be had for less than $75 and may be nearly as good.

No distractions. Simple, elegant, effective, and inexpensive. Think about the possibilities. With your savings you can purchase a serious amount of film, buy lots of paper and outfit a darkroom. How’s that for an idea!

Takeaways from the Michener Art Museum’s “View Finders: Four Photographic Voices” Exhibit

Bucks County and the surrounding Delaware Valley is a fertile environment for fine photographers. Last week I went back to the James A. Michener Art Museum to see the exhibit View Finders: Four Photographic Voicesagain before it leaves town and to hear an excellent talk given by Liz K. Sheehan, the show’s curator.

The exhibit features the work of area photographers Michael Smith, Paula Chamlee, Catherine Jansen and Brian Peterson.  I very familiar with Smith and Chamlee’s work, as I have taken their workshop, assisted Michael with printing and have come to know both of them well. I had not seen Jansen’s or Peterson’s photographs before, but had heard about them, especially Peterson, who besides being a fine photographer had served as the Michener’s chief curator from 1990-2013.

Most people are familiar with Smith’s landscape work. In this case, the focus was on portraits made with the 8×10 or 8×20 view camera and displayed as contact prints.  For Smith every millimeter of the photograph matters. It’s all about tones and the rhythm and placement of objects and shapes, as well as tiny portions of the scene that can be the most significant element of his image.

Paula Chamlee uses an 8×10 for most of her work and also makes contact prints. Like Smith to whom she is married, she often views the world in terms of abstract shapes and is concerned with the balance of tones and relationships of the shapes she sees. Smith and Chamlee often photograph in the same locations, but their work is distinctly different.

Much of Brian Peterson’s work was mysterious in nature. According to Sheehan a major area of his focus is on the metaphorical, especially concerning light and water. Images were both analog and digitally based.

Most of the work displayed by Smith, Chamlee and Peterson was black and white. Mostly film based and darkroom printed. Catherine Jansen’s work was the complete opposite. Massive color rectangular panoramic images created in India. Produced by stitching together many related pictures of the same subject and its surroundings with the aid of Photoshop.

All the work was fascinating, but I left the museum thinking as much about the nature of photography today, as much as the pictures I saw.  The question beyond analog vs. digital is what really constitutes a photograph. I mentioned this to Ms. Sheehan after her talk and she agreed that it certainly is an issue for consideration.  What forced me to think about this was the work by Jansen. There’s no hiding the fact by the artist or curator that the final images constructed. They simply wouldn’t be possible without Photoshop.  However if you were not made aware of this you might never know.  Powerful in many cases … yes … photographs … I am not so sure.

Yes, I know almost all photography is a departure from reality in some way. Cropping, burning, dodging and perhaps bleaching as necessary to create a powerful photograph in the darkroom.  Just look at Adams’ dramatic and majestic image Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico.  I have seen an initial pilot print and various printings of the image that became more brooding over the years.  Nevertheless, the picture remains the magical singular image that Adams first witnessed in 1941.  To me it is very believable … and yes … very real.

Art can be many things.  It takes vision, technique and talent to be able to create images that visualize “sacred storytelling” as Jansen has done.  I know I couldn’t possibly do it.  But I wouldn’t want to. I like to make photographs that capture what I saw in my mind’s eye.  I also do not wish to alter the component pieces within the image space I am printing.

When I look at photographs I want to feel confident I am viewing a picture of something that really happened or exists in nature. While many digital photographer/printers are honest about what they are creating, I worry that many will hide the facts about what they have created.

It’s time to think about the real differences between analog photography and digital work and call them something very different, because in fact they are very different. Let’s do that and be done with it!

View Finders: Four Photographic Voices is a show worth seeing.  It runs through August 26th at the James A. Michener Art Museum.

August Photo Chat Get-Together

It’s summertime here in Bucks County and I have had a couple of nudges to schedule a Photo Chat Get-Together before September.

That means it’s time to get together again to discuss our photographs with the ever-expanding group!

Yes, how about joining us and getting together to chat about our photographs and the stories behind them. What was your intent in making the photograph, what were you trying to say, was it a success? If you made your print, were there any particular challenges involved?

This is not a discussion focused on gear — the idea is to share insights, get constructive feedback, learn a few things, relax and make new friends!

Well, if this sounds interesting and fun, how about joining me in beautiful downtown Doylestown, PA, in the heart of scenic Bucks County, and we will get together over a cup of coffee.

Photographers of all levels are welcome.

Bring only a couple of prints to discuss. Obviously the prints should be Black and White and should be film based!

The get together will be on Sunday, August 12th, 10:00-11:30am at the Zen Den coffee shop, located at their new address on 41 E State St, Doylestown, PA 18901.

Email or call me at 215-348-9171 if you are interested. First come first serve!

I look forward to meeting you!


That Wooden Strip of Molding Never Lies!

Funny how the simplest things can make a great difference and significantly contribute to improvements in our work! In a previous posting I discussed how a strip of wood might just be your most important piece of equipment.  I had read about it in what now seems like an ancient Fred Picker newsletter.  In short, mounting a strip of wood on the wall in a place where you can view your mounted prints, lit in a manner they might normally appear in, and at a height they would normally be viewed, enables you sit back over a period of time and really decide whether they are keepers or material for the circular file.

Recently I had to redo two prints after I had them mounted, matted and spotted. Why? I realized after studying them for several days under the right light that they were too dark. Ended up reprinting both and guess what … they looked better!

After what can often seem like hard fought victories in the darkroom, it can be painful to admit you could have done a better job at judging the final outcome. You have to check your ego outside the darkroom. Otherwise you are just wasting your time. And the final results will confirm that.

The worst thing I hear when discussing prints with others is “I think I could have made it better”. OK, so, why didn’t you? @#$%^&$%^&%!

Is it laziness or apathy?  In the final analysis it really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you do the best job you can. And if that means throwing the fruits of hours of work into the trash, then that’s the way it goes.

Yes, that damn strip of molding doesn’t lie. But I’m glad it’s there to remind me that sometimes I can do better.

More on Being Your Own Dog … Make Your Picture!

There seems to be a certain style of in your face street photography that is in vogue today. Goes along with the enormous exhibition size prints that are often made to hide mediocre subject matter. Then there is the view that you have to use a certain type of camera to make a certain type of picture, or for instance that medium format or larger must be used for urban landscape (someone in the photo-art establishment told me that). Or worse yet, that you need for example to be making street photographs in a certain way for them to be interesting. Read lenses shot wide open to produce “incredible” out of focus bokeh. Of course this is all rubbish!

If you are using film in today’s world you have already made a conscious decision to buck the digital wave, but that’s just the start. To make photographs that are truly meaningful they must be yours regardless of what others think.  It doesn’t matter what is in or what you use. What matters is that it be good! And what you produce is likely to be better if it is something you want to make, in a way you want to make it!

Think about it. What is more of a waste of time than a technically perfect rendering of a boring subject?  Well maybe a sloppy rendering of a boring subject.  I am reminded of the exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art I recently wrote about … Strand, Weston, Stieglitz, Man Ray, Berenice Abbott, and Arnold Newman.  They made what was meaningful to them, in their own way.  They were true photographers and artists.  Their work has stood the test of time and will continue to do so.  Yours can too.

Takeaways from the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Face to Face: Portraits of Artists Exhibit

Well here is something unusual; I actually was able to go to a photographic exhibit I wanted to see before having to rush to get to it just before it was ready to close. Ok this doesn’t always happen, but it happens enough. I drove into Philadelphia last weekend to make some photographs and see the newly opened exhibit Face to Face: Portraits of Artists.  It took forever to drive the roughly 40 miles from my house to the museum. About another fifteen minutes or so and I could have driven to Coney Island at more than twice the distance!  But it was well worth the effort. Not only did I get to see the newly opened show, but I also made what I hope were some good photographs on the massive staircase leading up to museum entrance.  I’ve hung out at this spot several times and there’s always something of interest going on that seems worth photographing.

Once I was satisfied with what I got I strolled into the Museum. What I didn’t realize was this was the day of the month when people can visit the museum at no charge. Packed, but the crowds failed to distract me from the more than 100 wonderful images of famous American artists, writers and musicians going back 150 years.

What a show!  Arnold Newman, Man Ray, Irving Penn, Lee Friedlander, Alfred Stieglitz, Richard Avedon, Paul Strand, Jill Krementz, Dorothy Norman, Bert Stern, Carl Van Vechten and Ansel Adams. I am sure I missed a few, but you get the picture (sorry … I couldn’t resist!).  All in all, not a bad line up!

A few out of the many that stood out for me were Billie Holiday with Her Dog, Misterby Carl Van Vechten, Alfred Stieglitz at an American Place, New York City, 1944by Ansel Adams, Georgia O’Keefe, 1918by Alfred Stieglitz, and George Biddle Painting a Portrait of Man Rayby Man Ray. Then there was a fantastic grouping of portraits of famous members of the Harlem Renaissance by Van Vechten. Fanstastic!

So here are a few takeaways. All but one image was black and white. Yes I know color film was not widely available until after WWII but you get the picture (sorry … again). Most of the images were no larger than 8×10. Some were 11×14 but nothing overly large. Finally, in terms of composition, most of the subjects were placed on one side of the image, or at a minimum off center or leaning into the center.  These takeaways served as a valuable affirmation for me of my own feelings concerning our medium, and how we should compose and present our work.

All in all a very worthwhile show if you live near or are planning to be in the Philadelphia area!  Face to Face: Portraits of Artists runs to until October 14th.