Author Archives: Michael Marks

A Couple of New Lenses for Frank … Have I Lost It Again?

I know … have I turned into a hypocrite or what? I’ve discussed GAS and my previous bouts with it before. And I have talked about problems associated with too many choices. In fact I have done much over the past few years to simplify my gear, but I now have a project idea I am interested in that involves some urban landscape, including murals.

I think you can always try to make a good picture with whatever lens you have, especially if you are using a 50mm or 35mm or their equivalents for larger formats. The question is whether there are specific pictures that just cannot be made without the requisite lens? The worst thing you can do is to settle. Not having the right tool for the intended job. The problem I have is that I use Leica gear and it’s … well … somewhat expensive. Even Leica R lenses designed for SLR use can be pricy, although generally much less so then their M mount counterparts. This is due in large part because Leica’s R line of cameras just doesn’t get the love that is heaped onto M rangefinders. And of course the R is an extinct species. That having been said there are some really expensive R lenses … some of which I am fortunate to own. I lucked into them for some really great prices, so I happen to have them. But those opportunities come along only so often. Just walking in to right place at the right time. Same thing happened to me recently when I snagged a pair of rebuilt Quad 57s for a song … sorry, wrong passion!

So in this case, rather than wait around for an unlikely opportunity to materialize, I decided that I would search for low cost (by Leica standards), lightweight, quality 28mm and 180mm focal length lenses to use with Frank, my modified Leica SL (see my earlier posting on the FrankenLeica project). My research led me to the so-called Version 1 28mm Elmarit R and the 180mm f/4.0 Elmar. The game plan was to try to find late serial number examples that would presumably have Leica’s latest lens coatings of the time. I was lucky to snag two late copies. One I found in Germany, the other in Italy, both in mint condition.

Like any Leica lens it’s about the glass, but also the incredible build quality and pleasure of use. So have I lost it and succumbed to the Leica siren song and a sneak GAS attack? I don’t think so.

The new additions haven’t seen any action yet and don’t always travel with me, but I hope their time is coming soon. That would mean my plan succeeded and the project idea turned out to be a good one. If not, all the Leica mystic, tactile pleasure, and precision work of art won’t matter. They will be sold to someone that hopefully will use them as they deserve!

What Robert Frank Said

Awhile back I did a write-up on Robert Frank’s seminal book The Americans. You can take a look at it On My Bookshelf. I discussed why the book was such a landmark and how it belonged in every photographic library. Haven’t changed my mind on that!

Anyway, the other day I happened to be on the Internet and stumbled across a quote I hadn’t seen before.

“Black and white are the colors of photography. To me they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected.” – Robert Frank

Just think about that for a moment. You could say that’s a pretty “black and white” kind of description of photographic reality! But the fact of the matter is that there is something very real in the translation of a scene and whatever it happens to contain into a black and white photograph – especially if it has been made with film and printed on an emulsive paper. That’s my opinion and all the recent (and past) shows I’ve seen have done nothing to dissuade me from that thinking. Believe it or not, when I was a teenager I tried my hand at color for an entire summer. Shot Kodachrome 25 and Agfachrome. I even bought a second hand Agnecolor processer and made some Cibachrome prints in the tiny darkroom I built in my parent’s basement. The thrill wore off pretty fast though as the results reminded me of post cards.

I really have tried to improve myself over the years and be more open minded, but I still pretty much feel the same way. Extra large color prints really don’t help me either.

Some of the most beautiful photographs I have ever seen were 4×5 contact prints of portraits made by Minor White. And all I have to do is look at a few of the many great books I own … Henri Cartier Bresson, Ragnar Axelsson, Aaron Siskind, Paul Strand, Ansel Adams, William Clift, Manual Alvarez Bravo, Edward Weston, Brett Weston, Lee Freidlander, Ralph Gibson, Andre Kertesz, Morley Baer, Harry Callahan, Pennti Sammallahti, Paul Caponigro … and yes, Robert Frank.

The other day I went out and shot a roll of Tri-X. It felt really good as it always does. I’m looking forward to developing it and the other two rolls patiently sitting on my enlarger baseboard. Hopefully they will serve up a keeper or two and I will have the opportunity to print something special.

Is This Where Photography Is Heading?

I have seen a lot of photographs over the last year or so. So I thought it time to provide a few of my thoughts. Most of the prints I’ve seen are large. I’ve discussed my thinking on this in previous postings. The majority of prints I come in contact with are in color. The rest are mostly black and white. I say mostly because some black and white prints are not completely black and white; some contain color parts and others are heavily toned in one way or another. Of course, most are digitally produced.

But here is what really gets me about much of what I see these days … rampant and blatant image manipulation! Call me whatever you wish as long as you’re civil. But I swear if I see another image dominated by a hyper exaggerated blue sky with white clouds (color) and/or a black sky with white clouds (black and white) I may have to drink my developer! Just not Xtol since it’s made of acerbic acid (Vitamin C) for low toxicity.

Perhaps even more irritating are prints that are completely manipulated. In other words … Photoshop unchained! I’ve seen prints that didn’t look like photographs at all. Instead, they looked sort of painterly. Perhaps this is the ultimate example of photo-realism gone mad. Instead of a paintings looking like photographs, we have photographs that vaguely look like paintings.

So is kitsch the new normal? Are we headed towards the equivalent of Elvis paintings on black velvet I’ve seen for sale in bus stations?

Am I being unfair? Am I a photographic curmudgeon, a stubborn wet blanket, or just an artistic Luddite living in the new photo art age?

Maybe I’m over reacting. Or maybe I shouldn’t sweat it too much.

Some will surely point out that many film users work with filters, and that everyone who prints incorporates burning, dodging and other techniques as necessary to express their final vision. Well to me the best analog work is that where manipulation is not apparent and filtration is not overdone.

Ok, so I’m a big fan of Adams and not afraid to admit it. Does that make me a hypocrite?   He certainly used filters to enhance his images, but in my humble opinion he just knew how to do it right. To me his prints are heroic and there’s unlikely to be another like him. And yes his prints were large, but they included real content!

Then there is Jerry Uelsmann, who has been using multiple negatives to make dreamy silver gelatin prints since I was a boy. I think he was an exception, a wildcard and not the norm … perhaps the forerunner of the Photoshop movement.

So where are we headed, as cameras and software will enable more and more manipulation at the touch of a button or tap of a keystroke? You know what? It doesn’t matter at all. What really matters is that you and I do the work that has real meaning to us and says something we believe to be important. Not what matters to galleries, jurors, or anyone else! For me, I intend to continue to make straight black and white film-based prints that hopefully stand on the merit of their content and quality of their production.

So perhaps I’m a dinosaur headed for extinction and the above is a bad case of sour grapes. I hope not. I think as with other experiments in questionable taste, this too shall pass.

Check It Out: Americana, A Photographic Exhibition of a Nation, March 16th – April 8th

I am very happy to have been selected for inclusion in growing annual Americana exhibit put on by the Pennsylvania Center for Photography. The prospectus states it has “grown into one of the Northeast’s premier photographic shows” so I am going to believe them. The last two shows I’ve seen have been very good indeed. This year over 900 entries were submitted from photographers in the US and overseas. It’s a good-sized show but only 16% of photographs entered were chosen and I am told very few were film based silver gelatin prints. So I am doing my small part best to carry the analog baton forward!

I’m very pleased that one of my favorite photographs was picked. It just happens to be the first photograph I ever made where what I saw in my mind’s eye actually appeared in the final print as envisioned. All in all, a very happy outcome.  So if you happen to be in or around Doylestown, where the Pennsylvania Center for Photography is located, stop by for a look … and don’t forget to let me know you’re coming! We’ll get together for coffee and talk about photography!

Well, What Do You Know? Kodak T-Max P3200 Is Back!

That’s right!!! Kodak Alaris just announced the return of the high-speed black and white film in 135mm size. I mean holy cow, or holy something else if you prefer. This is really big news!! Another nail in the coffin of the “film is dead” mantra. Just think … Kodak is in business to make a profit. That was the reason T-Max P3200 and other emulsions were axed in the first place. Now it’s being brought back from the dead, presumably so a profit can be made. This is not a tale of a super large company putting out a vanity product to enhance its image. No. It’s a case of a good-sized company wishing to boost revenue by satisfying a market need.

Now I have never used the film and most likely never will, but I am really excited about this news. It follows on the heels of other announcements concerning new black and white film introductions. And why is this happening? For the same reason that vinyl never died. Cadres of people hung in there keeping both analog mediums alive because they were and are still special! Not easier to use than digital technologies and certainly not as convenient, but just more magic.

So Kodak T-Max P3200 is back. How about Plus-X … or maybe Agfa 25 to go along with the new Kickstarter enabled Reflex 35mm film camera. We can always dream … and who knows … perhaps our wishes will come true!

A Couple of New Lenses … Have I Lost It?

If you checked my In My Bag page you might have noticed that I’ve added a couple of lenses to my SLR kit. Is it another GAS attack? I don’t think so, or certainly hope not! I recently purchased the smallest and slowest 180mm lens Leica made and the so-called Version 1 of Leica’s 28mm lens. I had a 180mm years ago and if I remember correctly I used it only one time. I don’t think I ever used a 28mm lens before.

I made sure I purchased copies manufactured close to end of their production runs. Hopefully they benefited from the latest lens coatings of the time. I didn’t spend a king’s ransom compared to what I could have, had I chosen to go with the latest and spiffiest versions of those focal lengths (well perhaps a prince’s ransom … this is Leica after all). Why? Because I don’t expect to use them very much.

Ok, so what possessed me to buy them? A need for more uber precision mechanical/optical devices made by German elves? No. A desire to fill the remaining space in my camera bag? Not really. An obsession to part with over a grand that was burning a whole in my pocket? Not at all. Post mid-life crisis? I hope not! It turns out that I’m working on and/or about to embark on projects where I expect to use theses wonderful optics, if only occasionally, to produce images I would not otherwise be able to make without them! Sounds convincing doesn’t it? Seriously, that’s the only reason I did the deed, although I must say the lens shade that comes with the 28mm Elmarit R is work of art itself!

As I’ve said before, the vast amount of my photographs have been made with just one lens or its equivalent, or near equivalent based on format – the 50mm. A few percent have been made with the 35mm, and even less with a 90mm. And while I agree that too many choices can create a whole set of unintended problems we all know about, trying to shoehorn the picture you have planned to make into something else because you don’t have the right lens is just foolish and self defeating.

So I don’t think I’ve gone crazy.

And if the plan doesn’t work out, then off they will go. It won’t be the first time that’s happened. Just ask my wife!

Henry Gilpin, Photographs

Henry Gilpin was a truly great photographer and human being. I had the good fortune to meet him during the mid 1980s when I took two workshops with John Sexton in Carmel, California. Afterwards, I had the further good fortune of having career responsibilities that periodically took me out to the San Francisco and Silicon Valley for the next ten years or so. Whenever I was there I always figured out a way to get down to the Monterey Peninsula to visit with John if he was around, but always with Henry and his wonderful wife Doris. He always made time to see me, often for spur of the moment flybys. I remember making several five hour round trips from San Francisco to Monterey just to get together for short visit or dinner. It was always worth the drive!

He was absolutely world class, but didn’t have a pretentious bone in his body. Probably one of the most unselfish people I’ve ever met and certainly one of the best teachers I’ve had the fortune to learn from. Henry remains far less known then he should be. Most likely because he was not a big self-promoter and probably didn’t care too much about that sort of thing. What he really cared about was making wonderful photographs and teaching others how to do the same thing. One of my most prized possessions is his stupendous Highway 1. When I was getting ready to purchase that print I asked what his favorite size for it was. 11×14 – so that’s what I bought! It hangs on a wall in my workroom, right next to the entrance to my darkroom. I spend a lot of time in both rooms so I see it often.

Another prized possession is my signed copy of an exquisite little book, Henry Gilpin, Photographs. Typical of Henry; he never told me it existed. It’s a somewhat rare book, published in 1997 by the Monterey Museum of Art to commemorate the exhibition of his work. I found out about it by accident while rummaging around the Internet … sadly, a couple of years after he passed away in 2011.

It’s a small slender book containing nineteen jewel-like black and white images inside, and a real one attached onto the cover. All of his best works, including Highway 1 and Wonder Lake, just to mention two of them. To top it off it includes an eloquently written essay by John Sexton, Henry’s one time workshop student, colleague and long-time friend. I keep it in a protective plastic bag, prized possession that it is. When I look at it I admire his work and think the many fond memories I have. I can’t say enough about this wonderful book. Suffice to say, if you appreciate beautifully seen and created black and white photographs of the land you should endeavor to find a copy. It can be found occasionally at used bookstores and on eBay. Start looking … if you find one you won’t regret the effort!!

My February 17th – March 2nd Exhibit at the Colorida Art Gallery

I am very pleased to announce that I have a one-person exhibit showing from February 17th through March 2 at the prestigious Colorida Art Gallery in Lisbon, Portugal.  A selection of ten of my favorite photographs depicting people in their everyday lives and surroundings will be exhibited.  These images mean a lot to me so I am very excited about this wonderful opportunity.  Hey, if you just happen to be Lisbon stop by for a look!