Author Archives: Michael Marks

Monalog Collective Show at the Hicks Arts Center Gallery, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, PA, January 19th – March 11th

I am pleased to announce that the third stop of the Monalog Collective’s traveling roadshow is now at the Hicks Arts Center Gallery, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania. The show is called Handmade Photographs: The Monalog Collective.  The BCCC has a well-known and storied photographic department, so I feel very honored to have this exhibit of our work. The Hicks Art Center Gallery is an absolutely wonderful space, and the college has done a beautiful job of putting the show together!

I hope you will join me on February 9th at 5pm for the show’s Opening!  The gallery is located on the BCCC campus at 275 Swamp Road, Newtown, NJ and is open Monday through Friday, 9am – 4pm and Saturday and Sunday, 1pm – 5pm.  For more immediate information visit or call (215) 968-8432.

Stay safe,


Make Your Pictures Stand On Their Own

Awhile back I stumbled across an interview of social documentary and street photographer John Free. The question posed was “On your website it says that you are a social documentary and street photography. Can you point out the difference but maybe also tell us more about the combination of these two genres as a photographer’s choice?”

Free responded, “I think that the three most important and also difficult forms or types of photography, is social documentary, photojournalism and fine art street photography, which was called straight photography when I started. I think that the difference between them is rather simple to understand. In photojournalism, six photographs with captions might be required. Social documentary photography requires 25-50 photos, which are each supported by a caption or short story. In street photography, it all must be done with one photograph and with no caption to help explain what cannot be seen. No caption and no posing, make street photography the most difficult form of photography that I have ever been involved with. My professional work in social documentary photography was very helpful in teaching myself how to get closer to the subject. Closer in many ways, not just where I stand, but how I can convey my feelings about a subject in my photograph of that subject. To bring as much life and understanding into the image, in order for the viewer to better understand the image.”

All interesting and I think very useful, but focused on this … “In street photography, it all must be done with one photograph and with no caption to help explain what cannot be seen. No caption and no posing, make street photography the most difficult form of photography that I have ever been involved with.”

I think it’s vitally important that our photographs be able to stand on their own as complete and self-contained personal statements.  All of your creativity and vision must become dedicated and focused to ensure that the picture you make faithfully reproduces what you initially saw in your mind’s eye … and felt in your heart.  But that’s only half the battle. What’s contained in the negative must be fully realized in the final print. Otherwise what had so much promise surely will end up as an also-ran.

When you make a photograph it should be a personal and intense experience. It doesn’t matter whether it’s made in Manhattan or Yosemite Valley. Same thing when you’re in the darkroom.

Easier said then done, right?  It is if you dedicate yourself to it!

It’s a new year. I’m going to try my best.

Stay safe,


My Favorite Top 10 Black and White Analog Photographers – #5 Elliott Erwitt

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about Elliott Erwitt’s huge and incredible volume Personal Best. If you are serious about photography it’s a book you simply need to have!

I won’t be bashful, I love Erwitt and he’s just what we all need during these somewhat dark times. Why? For one thing, all his photographs are great! They capture the hilarious and absurdity in life, especially those with the dogs … just what we need today … and probably tomorrow!  I look at these pictures and they make me laugh, but most of all, they make me happy.  I’m certain the laughing contributes to the happiness. But Erwitt is more than a one trick pony … he’s made many truly poignant images that will touch you in a powerful way.  Just look at his picture of Jacqueline Kennedy at John F. Kennedy’s funeral. And there are many more such wonderful and moving images.

Erwitt’s photographs are all gems and yet there are just so many of them! The fact that many of the wonderful pictures in Personal Best were never published before really says something.

He’s lived an incredible photographic life and has had a career spanning seven decades.  Still active in his 90’s, he believes “the best things happen when you just happen to be somewhere with a camera.”  Damn!

I like everything about Erwitt. His pictures, the life he’s lived and his philosophy.

As I previously wrote about Personal Best, it gives me something to dream of and aspire to, even if I cannot have the life Elliott Erwitt has had. It forces me to strive to do what makes me happy and do it in the best way I can, so I can create mypersonal best.

Stay safe,


Happy New Year 2022

It seems like déjà vu doesn’t it?  A year ago I wrote about getting through 2020, having lost 350,000 Americans. Now we’re up to over 820,000 dead and counting.  Since then we have gone through the original, then Delta (still going strong) and Omnicron, which is currently spreading through our country like wildfire. 600,000 cases the day I write this! It’s difficult to process this knowing that it could have been much different if only a segment of the population decided to behave in a rational fashion.  I know several seemingly intelligent people that refuse to vaccinate, one is in the midst of recovering from Covid as I write this.  All of this is compounded by an increasingly nastier political climate fueled by lies and ever-stranger conspiracy theories.  Then there are the ravages we’ve experienced caused by climate change that add to an already difficult situation.

What a way to start 2022!  Another bad year, right?  Well you could look at it that way, sit around and become creatively paralyzed, or you can think about all there is to be grateful for and get out there! With all the crap that went on this past year, 2021 turned out to be a pretty damn nice year for me … family, work and photographically.  So how did that happen?  I was resolved not to let the bastards get me down, did what I could to make some kind of difference and continued to “live a photographic life”.  You know what … I’m going to do the same thing for 2022!  And I hope you will too.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy new year filled with meaning and purpose.

Stay safe,


Elliott Erwitt, Personal Best

Earlier this year I wrote about a book-buying spree I had. One of the books I snagged was Elliott Erwitt’s huge volume Personal Best that contains over 440 photographs on 448 pages he personally selected as his best and favorite images from a lifetime of creative work.  Did I say huge? It’s roughly 15 by 11 inches in size and just for grins I decided to weigh it … just over 11 pounds! This thing is truly massive as it should be with all that it contains, but with so much visual content can it hold one’s interest, or at one point simply become too much?  I’ll come back to that in a few moments.

Is this a perfect book? Probably not. As others have pointed out, it might have been nice if a landscape format had been employed. I’m not a fan of full bleed spreads onto two pages. But then the book might have hit gargantuan proportions and the price would likely have been more than the $50 it is.

Once you open it up for serious contemplation you realize these are minor quibbles and they are soon forgotten. Not only does Personal Best contain all of Erwitt’s greatest hits, but also there are many photographs that have never been published before. Looking at each picture you realize what a stupendous photographer Erwitt is, because each one of these images is a winner. One can only imagine how many other great pictures he’s made over a lifetime that aren’t his favorites?

Personal Best is a joyful, learning experience that has to be savored in order to really get all that is to be gained from it. It’s also a humbling experience. One can only wonder about how good his also rans are, but for me it’s a motivator of what can be accomplished with dedication, continued hard work and clarity of vision.

Erwitt is a true master. He has spent sixty years living a complete photographic life, something few of us will ever be able to do.  Personal Best gives me something to dream of and aspire to, even if I cannot have such a life. It forces me to strive to do what makes me happy and do it in the best way I can, so I can create my personal best.

So can Personal Besthold one’s interest for an extended viewing session? Yes, yes and yes! In fact, you will want to go back to it again and again.

Buying this book is a no brainer. Do yourself an enormous favor and get it!

Stay safe,


A Point of View in Our Work

Well, I’m a black and white photographer … right?  So lets start with that … I see and display the world in black and white.

I recently showed my work to someone I respect in the photo/art world for a critique. He told me I was a real photographer and my work had a signature to it. He thought there was sweetness to it … it was sensitive. That having been said, he told me people are not buying the kind of work I make. Thankfully I don’t worry about such considerations, but all right … no harm, now foul!

This made me think about my work and what I produce consciously and unconsciously. I never thought about my work that way. I just made pictures. But now that it was brought to my attention it was ah ha moment.  I just needed some assistance for my sudden epiphany!  My point of view was realized and I understood what I have been doing all these years.


All of this has made me think about the vast amount of unkind, harsh and exploitive photography we are constantly bombarded with.  I’ve never liked it. Yes, I know the world can be a harsh and unfriendly place, seemingly more so than ever, but I think there are choices for the way we can display it in our personal work.

So what about your personal work?  Do you have a point of view that supports what you’re striving to produce? Is your work sensitive; does it have some empathy in it … or is it something else?  Think about it.  Do you have a point of view? If not, what would you like it to be and how can you express it in your work?

Stay safe,


The Beatles: Get Back, the Creative Process and Working to Get it Right

I finished watching The Beatles: Get Back documentary Thanksgiving weekend. You might say I’ve been a little obsessed since then … just ask my wife! If you care about, or just want to get a better understanding about the creative process and what it takes to fully realize your vision as intended, then you need to watch this! Oh, and by the way, the music happens to be pretty good too!

In addition to thinking about how these musical geniuses went about creating their art, I also thought about how similar their process was to that which has been and continues to be used in black and white analog photography by those who truly care about their work.

The greats and those who aspire to be great go back again and again if the light isn’t right or the picture isn’t just so. They throw away the also-rans during and after long printing sessions and only print their very few best images.  Sometimes the print takes days to get it right … trying different papers, developers, etc., until the final result that recreates the vision originally seen in their mind’s eye is achieved.

It’s hard and often frustrating work, but when it all finally comes together, there’s nothing quite like it. And when you have experienced one of those special moments, there’s no turning back.

Stay safe,


Can People that Photograph Be Bozos Too?

Well folks, the short answer is yes!  I guess I never really thought about this existential question before, but it was brought to the forefront as a result of the call for younger members announcement Monalog posted recently on the Large Format Photography Forum. The announcement is similar to what I posted here last week. Of course we ended up with several stupid and snarky postings in response. Was I surprised? Yes. Should I have been? No. Unfortunately it’s typical.

I guess in the world we live in people that photograph can be bozos just like anyone else that traverse the social media landscape.  Maybe I thought people that make pictures would universally be better. Silly me!

A bit of good news though, regarding this particular example of foolishness … one of the posters apologized. Thank you! To the others, I would love to see your work to find out if you are photographers Monalog would consider for membership or merely those with impressive large format cameras that occasionally venture out to take a mediocre picture?

If you’re a serious black and white analog photographer that wishes to be part of a great group of like-minded and people doing something truly exciting I would like to hear from you!

Stay safe,
