Memorial Day, 2020

There won’t be a parade this year in Doylestown and the solemn ceremony at the cemetery that takes place afterwards won’t happen either.  It will be the same throughout our country.  It’s a strange feeling because these events have become part of my life. My parents were both WWII veterans and I really love Memorial Day. I also enjoy photographing on Memorial Day and have made a number of images that are meaningful to me.  I miss all of it.

The important thing is not to forget those that sacrificed their lives for this country. It’s an easy thing to do and will be even easier this year … just another day at home during Covid-19.  Don’t do it!

This year we also need to remember all those that have worked tirelessly to make sure we are safe and that our daily needs have been met. Firefighters, police, healthcare workers, check out clerks, restaurant workers for our takeout, and all the other unsung heroes. Finally, we also need to have a silent moment for all those that have perished unnecessarily due to arrogance, selfishness, narcissism, falsehood and plain stupidity.  It didn’t have to be this way.

Happy Memorial Day and stay safe,


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