Do It Because You Need To, Not Because You Think You Must

A couple of months ago I wrote an entry called Don’t Push It, but I have still been thinking about this theme when it comes to getting out there and photographing.  I work for myself … sometimes I put in a lot of hours even during Covid-19. Nevertheless, I am always thinking about photography. Always … even at night.  In fact, the other night I had an interesting dream about my negatives!

Look, I know this is a difficult time for everyone. But even in normal times there can be a lack of motivation, or maybe you get blocked.  You might feel that you absolutely have to get out there no matter what; otherwise you’re not really a photographer after all.  Wrong, wrong, wrong! The great ones do it because they need to, not because they must.  In short, they’re driven to create.

We have to keep thinking, keep fighting through it, especially during this most difficult of times.  Challenge yourself; that’s what I have been doing lately and I have made a lot of pictures. Not because I think I must, but because I need to! I feel driven and that’s good!  I want to document … for myself at a minimum … what my small community has lived through during this tragedy, and it has caused me to approach and see things differently then how I might have before.  I’m trying to build a story, rather than try to hit home runs, and that’s fine. Knowing this, I am satisfied at what I am doing and am getting out there a lot; even in the pouring rain!

Bottom line – don’t waste your precious time … especially now.  If you really care about your work and are truly excited about photography, get out there and do it because you feel you need to, not because you feel you must!

Stay safe,


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