Special Offer on DLG Electronic’s Temperature Compensating Development Timer!

I received a very nice note from Dave Gooding regarding my mention of his new Temperature Compensating Development Timer, and you the reader’s are the beneficiaries!

Dave is kindly offering my readers a 10% introductory discount for the DLG timer.  That’s right! So if you would like to take advantage of this special opportunity, instead of using the “buy now” or “add to cart” buttons on the DLG site, just message them with their contact form                       (http://www.dlgelectronics.com/feedback.html) or email enquiries@dlgelectronics.com with “Michael Marks Photography Offer” as the subject and they will email back a discounted invoice.

Thanks Dave!

4 thoughts on “Special Offer on DLG Electronic’s Temperature Compensating Development Timer!

  1. Dave

    Thanks for publicising this offer – we look forward to providing discounted timers and hope for satisfied customers.

    We’ve taken a bit of a gamble with introducing this product in this digital age – we’re hoping there is sufficient demand to recoup the costs of developing it. If it sells in sufficient numbers we will proceed with other products aimed at analogue photographers – we have three things under consideration and one in active development.

    Our products are UK designed and manufactured. We use high-quality components and outsourced bespoke parts such as the circuit boards and fascia are obtained from specialist reputable manufacturers in the western world. This is intended to be a durable, quality product to give many years of reliable service and we aim to provide full support, spares and a repairs service for the long term. This is not designed as a cheap throwaway product!

    Thanks again for the interest.


    1. Michael Marks Post author


      Again, many thanks for making this product available in today’s day and age, and for giving the opportunity to my readers to get it for a great price! I wish you and DLG all the best in your endeavors and look forward to hearing from you concerning new products for darkroom enthusiasts.


  2. David

    Hi Dave and Michael

    I took up the offer. DLG were very helpful in putting my order together and having now received and used the timer I can confirm it is a high quality piece of kit. Thanks!

    1. Michael Marks Post author


      Thanks for letting me know!

      I’m glad this worked out well for you and that there is a company like DLG out there supporting the needs of the darkroom community.

      Best wishes,



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