Big News … A Brand New Replacement for the Zone VI Temperature Compensating Timer!!!!

A couple of weeks ago I received a comment from David Gooding of DLG Electronics to an older entry that extolled the virtues of the Zone VI Temperature Compensating Timer.

According to his website DLG is “a small electronics company based in Derby, UK, specializing in the development of sensor, measurement and control systems”.

Studying the product description page at timer appears to be modernized version of my old and trusty Zone VI that can be found occasionally on ebay for about $150USD. Remember the newest of these timers is probably around 15 years old now. Mine was purchased in the Eighties and is still going strong, but who knows how long the electronics will last?

As previously discussed, the Zone VI timer automatically compensates for any changes in developer temperature so that any print made or film developed will always be consistent based on a standard of 68 F/20 C degrees. For example, no more differences in the same print whether is made in the summer or winter. Brilliant!!!

Now you can get a brand spanking new timer at a reasonable price, with a warranty that does the same thing as the Zone VI! How’s that!

What this proves is that there is a demand for such a device; that the darkroom is not dead, as many would have us believe! Congratulations and thank you to DLG Electronics for making this incredible capability available again. Check it out and keep a lookout for their introduction of a replacement to the Zone VI Compensating Enlarging Timer!

4 thoughts on “Big News … A Brand New Replacement for the Zone VI Temperature Compensating Timer!!!!

    1. Michael Marks Post author


      Nice to hear from you! I checked out the link and wish I had your skills. You’re talking to someone who has trouble programing the DVR, etc.! That having been said, it is wonderful that the technology is out there for those that can avail themselves of an opportunity like this.

      Thanks for bring it to our attention!




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