It’s a Real Sh*t Show All Right!

A month or so I wrote about a chance sighting that required … at least in my mind … the making of a photograph. Here are the high points for those that foolishly missed reading it:

“So I happened onto something this week while walking with Sparky. When I saw it I couldn’t help but laugh. Then Sparky and I continued on, but I kept thinking and talking to Sparky about it … all the way home. Was it worth the bother? Afterall, I was just going to have enough time to take a shower, get ready and get going to where I needed to be. Then I thought to myself, I need to make that picture and what would I be if I didn’t!  And of course there was the possibility that if didn’t make the picture now it might not be there when I returned … gone forever!

As soon as I got home I quickly went downstairs to my workroom, loaded my camera with film, grabbed my light meter and ran out the door! To be  clear, we’re not talking monumental subject matter.  But it was epic in its perfect absurdity and captured the sense of sophomoric humor necessary to express the way I feel about the strange time in which we live. So much so that I don’t give a flying fig what others think. It’s my picture, and it’s funny and meaningful to me!

The next day the snow melted and what was once there was now gone.”

So, this past week I finally developed the film, made a proof sheet and printed one of the images. Great, but is this art or something else … and does it really matter? Well, not to me. Oh … and what a surprise … given the opportunity, I’d do it again!

Stay well,


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