Don’t Be a Lazy Bozo! Trust Your Instincts, Go Get Your Camera and Make That Picture!

You ‘re out and about and see this great picture but you don’t have your camera. Oh well … right?  Wrong!  That’s the easy way out.  It’s one thing if it’s gone in a fleeting moment or you’re hours away from home. But if not, go home, get your camera, go back and make the picture!

Why wouldn’t you? Hmm, let’s see. Maybe it’s more convenient to forget about it and go on with your daily activities. Or maybe it’s not that great after all, and not really a big deal anyway.

What changed? You thought it was pretty exciting when you first saw it? So much for your photographic vision. Think about it … do you care about your photography or not? If not, what’s the point and who are you?

Don’t be a lazy bozo. Trust your instincts!

So I happened onto something this week while walking with Sparky. When I saw it I couldn’t help but laugh. Then Sparky and I continued on, but I kept thinking and talking to Sparky about it … all the way home. Was it worth the bother? Afterall, I was just going to have enough time to take a shower, get ready and get going to where I needed to be. Then I thought to myself, I need to make that picture and what would I be if I didn’t!  And of course there was the possibility that if didn’t make the picture now it might not be there when I returned … gone forever!

As soon as I got home I quickly went downstairs to my workroom, loaded my camera with film, grabbed my light meter and ran out the door! To be  clear, we’re not talking monumental subject matter.  But it was epic in its perfect absurdity and captured the sense of sophomoric humor necessary to express the way I feel about the strange time in which we live. So much so that I don’t give a flying fig what others think. It’s my picture, and it’s funny and meaningful to me!

The next day the snow melted and what was once there was now gone.

I can’t wait to develop the roll of film!

Yep, my year is off to a good start!

Stay well,


8 thoughts on “Don’t Be a Lazy Bozo! Trust Your Instincts, Go Get Your Camera and Make That Picture!

  1. Paul J Genin

    Well, this is right. You don’t have your camera. Or you have only one roll of Ilford HP5+ for your heavy Mamyflex C330. But you might have something else. Like a Pixel 7a phone. And as you are also finding yourself in a place you adore, you see what the phone can do and are pleasantly surprised. No, it’s not film. But whilst you don’t have viable film situation, except for that last roll which on the day after tomorrow you’re taking on a flight and hope the the security people at the Cat City Airport might hand check that one unexposed and the two that are exposed just to be on the safe side. But in the meantime, you have found the smart phone can do pretty well with various subjects, human and not. And you are also reminded of Lee Friedlander when with Pixel you snap the obelisk on which a bas relief rests, and on three of four other sides, metal plaques of beautiful Borneo chieftains/warriors that keep Brooke company. “Woke up it was a Kuching morning and the first thing that I see, is the 2ns Raj of SARAWK and his companions threeee . . . .”

    1. Jeffrey

      Well Bozo! I hope you learned your lesson from this experience. Make sure that when you walk the Sparkenator, take your camera with you. Oy even I, the supreme Bozo, was able to solve that problem.
      Take care.

      1. Michael Marks Post author


        Thanks, I’ll try to do that. Maybe Sparky can carry it in some sort of doggie fanny pack!



    2. Michael Marks Post author


      If there is no chance whatsoever of making the picture with your film camera, using your phone will make a nice keepsake, but get your camera.



  2. Rob Coscia

    I know what you are writing about. There was a historic building I would drive by almost daily with a wonderful mural on it. I always passed it by saying one day I’m going to photograph that building. One day I said, enough is enough, go do it and I did. The next day I drove by and it was demolished to the ground!
    Seize the Day !

  3. Paul J Genin

    Right On! You have to Love The Camera You’re With. Even if it’s a digital thang. Like in Penang Malaysia in an old fashioned camera store in the Pragin Mall, I met Kenny, the owner, and I wanted film, which he had to get somehow, and a tripod. For Mammyflex C330 a kind of Brunhilda of twin lens reflexes, yes, it’s not a Gowlandflex – but I am skinny and now 76, so carrying all day is a bit wearisome. And then in case I spied an old Lumix GF2. I had to think about it (also a crook or lunatic in Delray Beach FL, well doesn’t that say it all, kinda, spose’d to send my Oly digital to PA where now I have a safe-house if neeeded. Empty box. How do this happen with Priority Mail? (if there’s one institution I love in the US of A, it be the Post Office ’cause “The Mail Always Gets Through.” Right (?) Always for me. Anyway, the little Lumix was snatched and actually another bloke had his eye on it for his daughter. But I’m the early bird. Late to bed and drankin’ all night, but up at the crack. See, what powers my photographie is two chemicals, caffeine and ethyl alcohol (filler up with ethyl!) Don’t take all this too serious. But there’s truth in it. Anyway, re Lumix with a 28 equiv, rather have a 40mm or 50 equiv, this. Lumix is makin’ bacon! No viewfinder, just a screen. And best maybe with its little flash because how do you capture the flesh at night without flash. Ask Weegee!

  4. Michael Marks Post author


    I’m glad you are making meaningful pictures with whatever camera you have!




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