Monalog Collective Show at the SoHo Photo Gallery, May 30th – June 23rd … and Happy Memorial Day!

First to Memorial Day. Most people think of Memorial Day as the first day of summer, rather than what it was established to be … a day of remembrance for all those that gave their lives to protect and maintain our freedom and democracy.  In other words, what most of us take for granted as we hang out and grill hot dogs and hamburgers. So please take a moment to think about all those who served our country and made the ultimate sacrifice for what we have … and what could easily be taken away.

Ok, now onto Monalog’s show, The Monalog Collective, Expression Through Tradition that opens this Thursday, May 30th at the famous SoHo Photo Gallery in New York City. This is our first show in New York, and the first time my work has appeared in there. The Soho is a beautiful gallery and it will be a wonderful show. The opening reception on May 30th runs from 6 – 8pm and I would love to see you!

SoHo Photo is located in Tribeca on 15 White Street.  The show runs from May 30th – June 23rd. The gallery is open Wednesday through Sunday 1-6pm.  For more information contact SoHo Photo Gallery at 212-226-8571.

Enjoy Memorial Day and stay well,


2 thoughts on “Monalog Collective Show at the SoHo Photo Gallery, May 30th – June 23rd … and Happy Memorial Day!

  1. Jeffrey

    Yes, unfortunately Memorial Day is not celebrated anymore for remembering our past fallen heroes who gave their all to our nation. Instead it has become another day off and a day for sales at our local malls. Remind you of someone?
    We are hoping to be able to make the opening of the show to see your works. Hope it will be successful.

  2. Michael Marks Post author


    Thanks for your thoughts. Sad but true. I hope you’re able to make it!




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