Okay, So What is Preventing and Distracting You from Becoming What You Could Be?

At the end of my list in a recent entry entitled To Become What We Can Be I wrote “Identifying and removing what is distracting and preventing me from becoming what I can be”. Just so you know I’m not saying that I plan to quit my day job … not yet anyway … and I am not suggesting you do either.

So, what can we do to address what I believe is a major problem we all face from time to time? News flash: 1) While getting that new camera or lens may make things a little more pleasant or even easier, they will not make you become a better photographer; and 2) Obsessing over this is one of the greatest distractions and time wasters there is. Trust me, I know of what I speak!

Here’s what to do. Sit down and think hard about what really is preventing and/or distracting you from becoming what you could be in your photographic life. I’ll bet items 1 and 2 above are major contributors for many of you. Hell, they consumed a lot of my time and money over the years.

So, what about all the underbrush in your life that’s been getting in the way but can be cleared out by simply identifying what it is and dedicating yourself to getting rid of it?

I’m sure it will be different for everyone but do take the time to think about this. Get a pad of paper and start writing things down. The answer may be more complicated than you think and not be as easy to solve as you’d like.  It may also take a little bit of time. After you have jotted down your thoughts let things percolate for a while. Don’t stress it, and be prepared for an epiphany or two if you’re patient!

So. while I can’t figure out what is preventing and distracting you from becoming what you could be I am confident if you commit yourself to identifying the problem(s) and doing all you can within reason to solve it/them you will be well on your way to fulfilling your photographic dreams.

Oh, and one other thing … don’t think too much about when and how to do what I suggest. Just go ahead and do it. It will take a lot less time than scouring the forums and YouTube for true the answer, and cost a lot less money than paying for an expensive workshop to try to discover yourself.

Good luck and stay safe,


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