Falling in Love

I knew I wasn’t very happy anymore. I’d had it with the whole Washington scene. It’s really right about what they say there, “If you want a friend, get a dog”. I was becoming blocked and loosing interest in photography of all things. What I needed to do was fall in love with something, be it new or something rediscovered that truly mattered to me. Then do whatever was necessary to clear out all the underbrush in my life that was getting in the way of what was really important. Get that done and I could get on with my life again. Sounds pretty simple … right?  Well, not exactly. In my case there were a number of things that truly mattered. It took a lot of work and several years to accomplish.

First and foremost it was imperative to change my environment and get out of the DC area. This turned out to be one of the most important things I have ever done, just as moving there in the first place with no money and few prospects was thirty five years earlier.  Moving to Doylestown ended up being a real godsend. Being here opened up everything for me and launched a new creative phase. In short, I was in love! More photographing, establishing new and meaningful relationships, teaching, writing theses entries every week, exhibiting, and most recently founding the Monalog Collective.

What I did was pretty severe.  But I understood what had to be done and how was necessary it was to do it. I have a wonderful wife who is both a partner and best pal.  Thanks for taking this flier with me! My lifestyle has changed dramatically and I have a focus that is much more intense on what really matters … all because I fell in love again.

In this time of Covid-19 I think all of us as photographers and human beings should take a step back and think about what truly matters to us as individuals.  Is there is something lacking or holding you back from doing the work you want to do or from taking the next step to make our work better? If so perhaps you should stop, take a breath and dig deep within yourself to find out what you need to do to fall in love.  It may take some time, but life is a journey. Make the most of it.

Stay safe,


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