Living Life on Your Own Terms

We were both very young, yet I knew I loved her the day we met.  When it came time to think about college, all signs pointed to RIT and a photographic education.  But in the end I knew I couldn’t give her the life I wanted her to have and I wouldn’t have the life I wanted together with her.  In order to make it work I would have had to become a commercial photographer of some type and that’s not what I wanted. Not the type of photography that interested me. When it came time to think about what to do with my history degree, all signs pointed to law school, but I knew I would have to practice corporate law of some type to have the life together with her I wanted. Not the type of law that interested me.

I took the law school exam but decided to get a Masters degree in International Relations instead. That education took me all over the world and I brought my cameras with me. It was the right decision for me.  I’ve been able to have a meaningful career working on issues I believe in, for who I want to, inside and outside of government. All of this and making the photographs I want to make along the way! I’m one lucky man.

I’ve made the choices I wanted to make and have lived life on my own terms. I’ve never looked back from my life decisions and I have no regrets. I’m thankful that my wife and life partner has supported me all the way, and yes … I still love her!

Most importantly, the choices I’ve made have allowed me to live a photographic life as part of my whole life. I haven’t been concerned with making a living from photography, but rather have focused on making photographs that interest me and thinking about photography simply because I love it all so much.

I think we all need to do whatever we can to live our lives on our own terms. My decisions have worked for me and are only right for me. Every situation is different, but if we are really going to be serious about living a photographic life, we have to examine the other parts of the life we live and the choices we make … and can make.

I didn’t want a little hobby to play with when the mood struck me or when I didn’t have anything better to do … and I don’t want that now. I’m busier than ever with work, I teach, read, have a family I deeply care about, and have a serious passion for music and audiophilia. I live my life on my terms, and part of doing that means that there is always time for my photographic life.

Stay safe and live life on your own terms,


4 thoughts on “Living Life on Your Own Terms


    Thanks for the candid pep talk Michael. Enjoy your reflections, they nudge me!

    Stay well,

    doug powell

    1. Michael Marks Post author


      Good to hear from you again and thanks to much!

      Same to you and best wishes,


      1. Michael Marks Post author


        Good to hear from you and thanks so much!

        Stay safe and best wishes,


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