Flag Day

Another Flag Day was celebrated this past week. Every year in Bucks County there is an unusually moving event and wonderful photographic opportunity that takes place not far from where I live.  The Delaware Valley Vietnam Veterans organization holds its annual Flag Day Veteran’s remembrance event held at one of the many Bucks County community parks. What makes this annual event unique and amazing is that volunteers plant nearly 65,000 small American flags, as well as 5,000 small black flags in the park ground commemorating Americans that gave their lives during Vietnam or other conflicts, or are missing in action, yet to be recovered – all placed in the shape of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.

Needless to say to see this is a moving experience, just like the annual Memorial Day remembrance ceremony held at the Doylestown Borough cemetery after the parade.  Not only is it a great opportunity for pictures, but chance to meet some wonderful people that just happen to be our national heroes.

The point of this is that there are many events, small things of beauty and other opportunities around us where we live. We just need to be attuned to them or be willing to discover them.  Getting over the “grass is greener on the other side” and the need to travel far and wide to make meaningful photographs will open a world of new and wonderful discoveries.

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