Well, What Do You Know? Kodak T-Max P3200 Is Back!

That’s right!!! Kodak Alaris just announced the return of the high-speed black and white film in 135mm size. I mean holy cow, or holy something else if you prefer. This is really big news!! Another nail in the coffin of the “film is dead” mantra. Just think … Kodak is in business to make a profit. That was the reason T-Max P3200 and other emulsions were axed in the first place. Now it’s being brought back from the dead, presumably so a profit can be made. This is not a tale of a super large company putting out a vanity product to enhance its image. No. It’s a case of a good-sized company wishing to boost revenue by satisfying a market need.

Now I have never used the film and most likely never will, but I am really excited about this news. It follows on the heels of other announcements concerning new black and white film introductions. And why is this happening? For the same reason that vinyl never died. Cadres of people hung in there keeping both analog mediums alive because they were and are still special! Not easier to use than digital technologies and certainly not as convenient, but just more magic.

So Kodak T-Max P3200 is back. How about Plus-X … or maybe Agfa 25 to go along with the new Kickstarter enabled Reflex 35mm film camera. We can always dream … and who knows … perhaps our wishes will come true!

4 thoughts on “Well, What Do You Know? Kodak T-Max P3200 Is Back!

    1. Michael Marks Post author


      Yes the market is growing, but I think it is growing for the same reason vinyl came back from the brink of death. For many it’s just better and entire the user experience is more rewarding as well.


  1. Kodachromeguy

    This is fantastic news; it is great that there is another option out there for film users. Good job Kodak. The “photographers” on mass bulk photo sites like Dpreview absolutely hate the idea of any film revival, but it is happening despite their howls of protestation and their “expert” assurances that film is dead. Agfapan 25? I wish Panatomic-X would return, but it will never happen. Even in the latter years of the film era, its sales were insufficient to keep production going. I am still using 120-size Panatomic-X that expired in 1989. Amazing film, but soon my supply will be gone. Sigh….

    1. Michael Marks Post author


      Yes it great news even if you don’t use it! You never know what emulsions will come out in the future. It really comes down to user demand. Panatomic-X is a great film. I have one of the few 11×14 prints I ever made from a 35mm Panatomic-X negative and it’s remarkable! The question is there anything you could use once your stash runs out? What about Ilford Pan F for example? And perhaps some of the East European films?

      This story sounds familiar … I have a friend with a freezer full of 120 Verichrome Pan and I have my remaining rebadged Plus-X I bought from Freestyle Photo in my freezer.

      Time to check out what’s out there before your last roll is gone! Let me know how it goes!




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