I had really hoped to get back to concentrating on photography here. But events spun so far out of control on Friday that I felt compelled to write about it. I was in New Jersey at the time, not too far from the shore when my wife called me somewhat frantically about what she just witnessed on television. My immediate thought was that she was overdoing it a little and it couldn’t be that bad. But then I thought about it and realized it could be that bad!
As soon as I got home I got onto the Internet and watched the video. I’m still in somewhat of dazed feeling as I write this on Saturday. But on Friday my initial feelings were nausea and deep sadness. As a student of American history and international affairs, and someone who had worked in the legislative and executive branches of government where I was involved in dealing and negotiating with our allies and adversaries, I knew this was a very dark day and a low point in our nation’s history.
I felt like I needed to take a cold shower and wash off the remnants of what I just watched, and for the first time in my life I felt ashamed to be an American.
The whole event reminded me of watching Monday Night Raw with my son when he was young. We knew it wasn’t real. This was. Raw was scripted and perhaps this was too. The venues were different. Large stadiums filled with screaming fans … here a beautiful room steeped in history, filled with advisors and reporters. The result was the same. Linda McMahon of WWE wrestling fame is a cabinet member. Perhaps she was brought in for consultation. On Monday Night Raw you could have the good guy sparring with villain and then all of a sudden another bad guy jumps into the ring and hits the good guy with a chair. Soon both of them are piling on. While the good guy tries to fight back he’s outnumbered and gets pretty beat up.
That’s what happened here, only the good guy was President Volodymyr Zelensky. The villains were Trump and is lap/attack dog JD Vance. Vance’s likely scripted attack was as shameful as it was stunning. Trump can’t follow a script, but his stream of conscious insults and demands were none the less even more shocking.
I’ve been trying to wrap my head around the current situation we find ourselves in and now I think I’ve come to a conclusion. Trump has mental health issues that go beyond his narcissism, lying, alternative reality, need to be seen as winning at all costs and an obsession to undo and destroy anything Joe Biden did as president. This is further compounded by his being surrounded by treacherous individuals that want to tear everything down and capable sycophants eager to please. Vance’s premeditated attack was one for the ages and will long be remembered. But I think Trump finally completely snapped. And with this, perhaps the world as we have known it.
I’m afraid this is just the beginning of what may be even worse than all the terrible things I worried would happen. After the SmackDown was over, Republican sycophants not surprisingly began to praise our dear leader for what he had done. Lindsey Graham said “I have never been more proud of the president”.
So there you have it.
Will anyone in what once was the Republican Party have the courage to stand up and mount a true resistance to this insanity? Unlikely, but I can hope. Maybe their Styrofoam backbones will begin to strengthen when things get so bad that they’re in danger of being voted out of office.
In the meantime, what about the rest of us? Don’t get caught up in the daily noise, but do what you can concerning the issues that really count … defending our democracy and standing by our friends and allies instead of betraying them vs. cozying up to murderous dictators like Vladimir Putin.
Getting back to photography, we have already seen the Kennedy Center massacre and Trump has pledged to shut down the National Endowment for the Arts. What will be next? Keep making meaningful pictures. And if you’re of a mind to and have the opportunity, make some that reflect and challenge the difficult times in which we live.
Stay well,